Bronze level automatically awarded GB final
This data has achieved Bronze level on 30 October 2014 which means this data makes a great start at the basics of publishing open data.
Number of affordable housing starts (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated: Total reported numbers of starts under the relevant programmes within the reporting period. Because delivery is seasonal and reflects funding profiles, with more starts and completions being reported in the second six months than are reported in the first six months, the current figures are compared back to the equivalent period of the year before rather than the preceding six months. #### Why is this indicator in the business plan? These are the most timely indicators on affordable housing delivery. Increasing the supply of affordable housing is a key part of DCLG policy. #### How often is it updated? Bi-annually, approximately June and November. ####Where does the data come from? Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) - Investment Management System and other programme information. Published figures are at []( Greater London Authority (GLA) - Investment Management System and other programme information. Published figures are at []( #### What area does the headline figure cover? England #### Are further breakdowns of the data available? Yes, can be split by type (social rent, affordable rent, intermediate rent, Low Cost Home Ownership) and by local authority area. #### What does a change in this indicator show? An increase in this indicator is good and shows more new affordable houses are being started through the HCA and GLA. #### Time Lag Published within two months of the end of the reporting period. #### Next available update May 2014. #### Type of Data Official Statistics. #### Robustness and data limitations * Does not include all affordable housing starts and completions because some will be delivered outside the HCA and GLA roles. * Delivery is seasonal and reflects funding profiles. Delivery tends to be lower in the first six months than the last six months of the year and therefore comparisons with the previous six-monthly period are not usually appropriate. * A small number of the affordable housing starts reported by the HCA over this period are actually located in London (the Get Britain Building programme in London is administered by the HCA on behalf of the GLA). #### Links to Further Information []( []( #### Contact Details []( Do you think this data is incorrect? Let us know
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