Datasets / NHS England: Proportion of sites with a community stroke team for longer term management attached to the stroke multidisciplinary team

NHS England: Proportion of sites with a community stroke team for longer term management attached to the stroke multidisciplinary team

Published By Health and Social Care Information Centre

Issued almost 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


Hyperacute service is defined as a service which is able to see and investigate stroke patients within 3 hours of stroke to assess suitability for thrombolysis. Acute Service is defined as a service which is able to see and investigate stroke patients urgently after stroke to provide a full range of care to patients from admission but does not offer thrombolysis Rehabilitation service is defined as a service which is able to see patients for rehabilitation. There is a specific question asking about this service and so see help booklet for Question 4.2