Published By Office for National Statistics
Issued over 10 years ago
Data on teenage conceptions at ward level has been analysed by quintiles and are presented as maps to illustrate the variation whilst avoiding the risk of disclosing information on individuals. Under 18 conception rates at ward level were produced by aggregating the number of conceptions to all girls aged under 18 over three year periods (2000-2002 and 2001-2003) and calculating the rate as the number of conceptions per 1,000 women aged 15-17 resident in the area using the mid year ward population estimates. Quintiles were then produced by ranking ward level under 18 conceptions rates from the lowest to highest at National level and then allocating wards to one of five equal groups based on the total number of wards. Quintile 1 therefore includes wards with the lowest rates, whilst quintile 5 includes wards with the highest rates in England and Wales. Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Ward, Local Authority District (LAD) Geographic coverage: England and Wales Time coverage: 2000-2002, 2001-2003 Type of data: Administrative data