Datasets / Additional Affordable Dwellings

Additional Affordable Dwellings

Published By Department for Communities and Local Government

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a set of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


Additional affordable dwellings by local authority district, England 1991-92 to 2013-14 This dataset describes the additions to the stock of affordable housing from the period 1991-92 to 2013-14, broken down by local authority district. Note that over that period, there have been numerous changes to the structure of local government, therefore some districts do not have values for the full series of years, only for those years when the corresponding local authority was in operation. Affordable housing is the sum of affordable rent, social rent, intermediate rent and affordable home ownership. Affordable homes are defined in line with the National Planning Policy Framework, published 27 March 2012, as housing units (or traveller pitches and bed spaces when describing a shared dwelling such as a hostel) provided to specified eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. Eligibility may be determined with regard to local authority allocations policies, local incomes and local house prices depending on the type of affordable housing. Affordable housing should include provisions to remain at an affordable price for future eligible households or for the subsidy to be recycled for alternative affordable housing provision. Affordable rented housing is a new form of social housing, introduced in 2011 as the main type of affordable housing supply. It may only be delivered with grant through the Affordable Homes Programme 2011-15 and other associated and subsequent programmes or without grant by local authority and other providers, where a contract or confirmation of the ability to charge an affordable rent is in place. Affordable rented homes are let by local authorities or private registered providers of social housing to households who are eligible for social rented housing. Affordable rent is subject to rent controls that require a rent of up to 80 per cent of the local market rent (including service charges, where applicable). Social rented housing is rented housing owned and managed by local authorities and private registered providers, for which target rents are determined through the national rent regime. It may also include rented housing managed by other persons and provided under equivalent rental arrangements to the above. Intermediate affordable housing is housing at prices and rents above those of social rent but below market price or rents, and which meet the criteria as set out in the definition for affordable housing. These can include equity loan products, shared ownership and intermediate rent. The data in this dataset were derived from Tables 1006, 1006a, 1007 and 1008 of the DCLG 'Live statistical tables', available in the form of Excel spreadsheets [here]( For further guidance see the [Affordable Housing Supply: April 2013 to March 2014 England Statistical Release](