Datasets / Organogram and staff pay data for Directly Operated Railways

Organogram and staff pay data for Directly Operated Railways

Published By Directly Operated Railways Limited

Issued about 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


Organisation structure charts (organograms) for Directly Operated Railways. Providing: 1. structure of the department/body down to directorate level 2. positions of all Senior Civil Servant (SCS) Pay Band 2 and above (or equivalent) 3. names of SCS Pay Band 2 and above 4. salaries of all Pay Band 2 and above 5. job titles of SCS Pay Band 1 and 1A (or equivalent) 6. reporting numbers of staff within directorates (FTE) and total salary costs of SCS1 teams. SCS staff salaries - name, grade, job title, FTE, parent department, organisation, unit, actual pay floor, actual pay ceiling. Junior staff FTE - parent department, organisation, unit, reporting SCS, grade, number of posts FTE