NI 092 - Narrowing the gap between the lowest achieving 20% in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and the rest
Published By Department for Children, Schools and Families
Issued over 10 years ago
The gap between the median Foundation Stage Profile score of all children locally and the mean score of the lowest achieving 20% of children locally, as a percentage of the median score of all children locally. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: County/Unitary Authority, Government Office Region (GOR), National Geographic coverage: England Time coverage: 2004/05 to 2008/09 Type of data: Administrative data Notes: Early Years Foundation Stage - this is a statutory framework for children's learning and development and welfare from birth to the end of the academic year in which they turn 5. It covers six areas of learning: 1) Personal, Social and Emotional Development (3 scales) 2) Communication, Language and Literacy (4 scales) 3) Problem-solving, reasoning and numeracy (3 scales) 4) Knowledge and understanding of the world (1 scale) 5) Physical Development (1 scale) 6) Creative Development (1 scale). The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile is an assessment of children's achievement at the end of the academic year in which they turn 5 - it supersedes the Foundation Stage Profile from September 2008.