Datasets / Planned Expenditure of Local Authorities on education and Children's social care functions (Section 251 data)

Planned Expenditure of Local Authorities on education and Children's social care functions (Section 251 data)

Published By Department for Education

Issued almost 10 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a set of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


This data presents budget / planned expenditure returned to the DfE by Local Authorities as part of their commitments set out in the Apprenticeship, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009. It covers the budgets LAs plan on spending in the following financial year on a range of school budget and Children's services functions. The main SFR is supported by LA benchmarking tables, LA level detailed returns and release of underlying data. Source agency: Education Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: LA Planned Expenditure